‘Alien shot and killed at US Airforce base’ – Mysterious case has NEVER been explained 「外星人在美國空軍基地被槍殺」,這起神秘事件從來沒有被解釋清楚
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‘We don’t hurt anybody, we are just happy’: Woman reveals she has fallen in love with a ROBOT and wants to marry it 「我們沒有傷害任何人,我們只是過得很開心。」一位女子表示她愛上一個機器人,並且想嫁給它
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7 Reasons Why Switzerland Is The Best-Run Country In The World 瑞士是最佳國家的七個理由
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8 Secrets To Living Beyond 100 From The World’s Healthiest People 世界最健康過百歲居民的8 個生活秘密
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10 Jaw-dropping sights on Google Earth you won’t believe are real 十張讓人下巴脫臼的谷歌地球影像,你絕不會相信它們是真的
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290million year old human footprint has researchers scratching their heads 2.9億年前的古老人類腳印讓研究人員摸不著頭緒
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A cure for ageing? Scientists discover breakthrough procedure to replace specific parts of ageing cells 長生不老藥成真?科學家發現能修復老化細胞的突破性 程序
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A new artifact found in Belize could change EVERYTHING we know about the Ancient Maya 在貝里斯發現的新工藝品可以顛覆我們對古瑪雅的認識
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A New Cancer Treatment Has Given Terminal Patients a Second Chance at Life 一種新的癌症療法給予末期病人第二次生命機會
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A New Type Of Phantom Memory Has Been Found In The Human Brain 一種新型的記憶在人腦中被發現
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